Tis the season…the hustle and bustle is setting in. Holiday celebrations, shopping, decorating, social gatherings, where ever can we find time to eat properly? Planning our basic meals loses priority, and we skip meals, or in hunger & desperation, we eat crappy, un-nourishing food. I know just what to do….

Break out those dusty crockpots.

I wake up most days & start prepping for dinner because, like you, my days are full. I understand that the best way to feed myself and my family is to plan ahead and be efficient with cooking. Coming home to a warm, nutritious meal and the end of the day is both comforting and convenient. I have 3 crocks….sometimes I use them all and then I’m set on meals for a few days. Most foods cooked in crockpots can be easily frozen because they are cooked in liquids which keeps them from drying out when reheated. Soups, stews, sauces, chili, whole chickens, roasts, even breakfast:eggs, oatmeal, or even applesauce.Eating healthy this season can be easy if you think ahead.

Cassoulet Recipe

About Christina Hamler

I became a certified personal trainer through The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and Super Slow, a specialized strength training program. Here, I discovered specific exercise techniques that were more appropriate for my body type. My nutritional journey began when I attended The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). As a graduate from IIN, I learned how food and healthy lifestyle choices could empower me to life my life more fully.

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