Why do YOU need a health coach

A good health coach doesn’t just tell you what to do or what to eat. It’s my mission to help you discover your own motivation and strategy for developing plans and goals, while encouraging you to stick to those commitments.

I’m your personal advocate to help you connect the dots between who you are and where you want to be.  Together, we will progressively implement appropriate diet and lifestyle changes. As we decipher your unique needs, we can set achievable and sustainable change.


About Christina Hamler

I became a certified personal trainer through The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and Super Slow, a specialized strength training program. Here, I discovered specific exercise techniques that were more appropriate for my body type. My nutritional journey began when I attended The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). As a graduate from IIN, I learned how food and healthy lifestyle choices could empower me to life my life more fully.