Are you trying to ….
Eat healthier, more balanced meals?
Cook & enjoy more of your own meals?
Lose weight to be “thin”?
Lean out & Gain muscle mass?
Walk the stairs without losing your breath?
Run & finish a marathon?
Try out or compete for a competitive team?
Or maybe you just want to feel energetic all day without getting tired?
It’s important to ask yourself “WHAT am I doing, but more importantly, WHY am I doing it”? You can’t possibly know the best possible solution until you’ve clearly determined the outcome you’re trying to achieve. Random efforts towards an undetermined goal will leave you frustrated, confused, and most likely, unsuccessful. My advice: focus on 1 goal at a time. Master it, and through that confidence, move on to the next progressive goal. Be kind to your self and be reasonable with your personal expectations. And most importantly, BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT!