It was 4 in the afternoon, and I was yawning in the midst of a holiday celebration, feeling like I needed a nap. I’d gotten a good night sleep, woke up feeling alert and rested, ready to enjoy some festivities. Then it occurred to me: FRIED CALAMARI

To support my low-thyroid disorder, I began eating a paleo-inspired diet over 5 years ago, and most importantly, I stopped eating gluten. Specifically avoiding gluten has been life changing for me. Now, when I eat just a little bit of it…I pay BIG TIME.

When it comes to advising my clients about health, my go- to advice: “BE CONSISTENT”. Whether that is with your diet, exercise, sleep, or just your everyday living, the key to feeling good is to continue doing whatever you’ve already been doing that makes you feel your best. So many of us, myself included, tend to let ourselves “cheat” during this special time of year. We give into the festivities, over-indulge, under-sleep, stress, and forget to make time to eat well & exercise, and truly care for ourselves. The outcome: we feel tired, bloated, puffy, our sleep is disrupted, we are irritable…not the ideal conditions to celebrate and enjoy the season with the people we love most.

The best time to start living healthy is NOW! Don’t wait for your New Years Resolution, a Monday, after your birthday, or even tomorrow….start feeling better NOW! You can enjoy special occasions AND stay on your better-health journey.



Get quality sleep Eat Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner (especially before social events) Drink water throughout the day, more if you’ve over-indulged in food/drink Move your body, exercise intensely atleast 2 /week. MAKE IT COUNT Make time for yourself, Slow down, MEDITATE, take time for personal reflection Spend time with people who truly make you happy & encourage your better self

About Christina Hamler

I became a certified personal trainer through The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and Super Slow, a specialized strength training program. Here, I discovered specific exercise techniques that were more appropriate for my body type. My nutritional journey began when I attended The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). As a graduate from IIN, I learned how food and healthy lifestyle choices could empower me to life my life more fully.